Saturday, 25 October 2014

Internet so many ways to hurt : Part-2

Part-2: Hurt me plenty…

Congratulations on being connected; now we can explore ways of getting hurt by internet, Ignorance was bliss only till you were not connected.

Can you lend me your credit card, I think my computer is sick and have some fever, yeah signs are there. What do you mean by what signs?
My computer runs too slow, my files has disappeared, there is constantly Good Samaritan named PCDOC telling me that PC is infected with virus, He constantly tries to clean it but I think I have to give some money first, I will give it but you see, I do not have a credit card. Can you lend me yours?

The problem here is quite common one with new users of internet, the problem is ignorance, mostly a system that is not protected by some kind of Anti-Virus / Anti-Malware, and the user becomes susceptible to this kind of cyber-attack. There is some advertisement like click here to get IPhone on 90% discount. Things like that, the above example a pop-up opens that scans your computer saying 75 infected file found click here to clean now then it asks you to enter your credit card details. The problems with relative new users who are not computer experts are susceptible to these kinds of harms.
Rules of safe browsing- do not click on these kinds of Ponzi schemes; they are generally virus, Trojans or malwares/adware.
Always use an Antivirus even the free types will give you some protection. Do not submit your private confidential information on unsecure link to dubious links you are not sure about origins to. If something pop-up or message ask you to install something on your computer, Unless and until you have specifically requested the install, clicking no or cancel is best option. If you are not sure, then not installing will be the safer option.

What are these things you are talking about?

VIRUS – are malicious piece of code, that can disrupt normal working of your computer, Like you are unable to use a program because exe was corrupted by it, file of the folder hidden or deleted or corrupted these are VIRUS like activities.

TROJANS – they are software or utilities that has a dual purpose, one is masquerading like a useful stuff and hidden purpose of malicious use that might be stealing your private confidential data like passwords through keylogging. Hijacking your computer for use in cybercrimes like Denial of service and hacking.

WORM – Write once read many is another kind of Code that copies itself several times, example a worm copying itself in every folder you access and every time you access it, these may have some other malicious content or just nuisances. They may use up your computer memory making your computer run slow.

An Anti-Virus will protect you from most of these, also keep your firewall on if anti-virus has not installed a firewall of itself, also don’t override anti-virus if it is trying to tell you something. Anti-virus sometimes gives false positive so try to research first before overriding your nagging anti-virus program. 

Hey can you tell me how can I send money to Nigeria? There is some opportunity to make some serious money and earn good karma by helping some poor guy who is requesting my help.

If you receive mails like this and believe them that you will become a victim of Cyber-Frauds. You may receive Spam mails from sender from foreign places and inland places too, about some sad story where you can help by sending some money and in return you will get gold or jewels and what not. They are all fraud do not fall victim to these kinds of mails. If you are using your Email account properly, enable spam mails and report such mails to service provider so that they will be blocked.

Can you tell me who to complaint to, I have not received my IPhone, I ordered at dirt cheap prices online. I am really looking forward to it.

If you have discovered joys of online shopping then also remember, a lot of stuff is bought and sold on trust. If you received a mail telling click this link to buy something for dirt cheap prices. Check whether it is from a reputed site. Do not ever follow the links in the mail. You may be confused by the URL and end up being victim of phishing attack.

Phishing Attack – If you know a site to be genuine and follow a link from email you may end up on a fake site which only looks similar and was only interested in stealing your credentials, so always go to site by typing the base URL itself.

I bought some stuff from such and such sites haven’t got it till now, any response from customer support too. That’s why you should never buy stuff online. Unless and until you can see the person and stuff, how can you be sure of the item?

Buying Online is relatively safe nowadays some pointer should be followed.
1) Don’t buy from unknown sites; try cash on delivery if available from new sites. Otherwise avoid them, even if deal is too tempting.
2) Do your research before buying the stuff, site review includes that see what other people have to say about their experience.
3) To avoid getting gray stuff, ask for valid Tax paid receipts for warranty purpose.
4) Check returns policy of the purchase, some sites gives you store balance instead of refunding your money.

Got declined for job, I applied, I wonder why? They just screened me out no reason given, I don’t know, I have sufficient qualifications for the job. Man I tell you they all are sellouts.

In this day of social media revolution, company’s HR checks your online profiles at social networking sites. You now have to be careful what you decide to share on your Facebook, Google plus pages. Clean up your official accounts of things an employer may find objectionable. The internet technology has become quite advanced now. Lying to someone while sharing your location on Android phone will get you caught. Example, making excuse that you are sick while sharing your location that you are on a beach or mall, will get you caught. Saying you were sleep, when WhatsApp messenger announces your last seen time. These are numerous more way to get caught while making excuses.

Here we discussed just a few ways Internet can hurt you, in part 3 of the blog let see some Cyber Issues spilling over in real world.

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